Vice-President: Ginny Petras
Treasurer: Brooklyn Grube
Secretary: Anna Marie Joudy
Minutes & Agendas
October 2012: Minutes-10-14-12.pdf
September 2012: Minutes-9-16-12.pdf August 2012: July 2012: June 2012: May 2012: Minutes-5-6-12.pdf April 2012: Minutes-4-1-12.pdf March 2012: Minutes-3-11-12.pdf February 2012: Minutes-2-12-12.pdf January 2012: Minutes-1-8-12.pdf December 2011: Minutes-12-11-11.pdf November 2011: Agenda111311.pdf October 2011: Agenda10-09-11.pdf -- Minutes-10-09-11.pdf September 2011: Minutes-9-25-11.pdf July 2011: Minutes-07-24-11.pdf June 2011: Minutes-6-26-11.pdf April 2011: Minutes-4-3-11.pdf March 2011: minutes-3-13-11.pdf Minutes-1-23-11.pdf December 2010: minutes-12-19-10.pdf November 2010: Minutes-11-14-10.pdf (see bottom of page for 2009 & 2010 minutes) |
Financial Reports
President: Kh. Terri Beck
Vice-President: (vacant)
Secretary: Linda Young
Treasurer: (vacant)
Spiritual Enrichment Coordinator: (vacant)
Women's Group Minutes
"2011: Purpose of the Women's Group: this is a quick reminder to us Ladies just what we are and are not.
We aren't the: Parish Council, Maintenance Committee, or Sunday school therefore not responsible for issues/concerns within those areas.
We are responsible for: Charitable Fund Raising, Event Planning, Spiritual Enrichment, and raising up our community of women through fellowship and the aforementioned responsibilities. Let us remember this as we conduct our meetings".
(as established in the November 2011 meeting)